Refund policy
Our policy is valid for a period of 30 calendar days from the date of the purchase. If you are not satisfied with the service, you can ask for a refund. If the period of 30 days has lapsed since the purchase, we can’t, unfortunately, offer you a refund.
Refund requirements
The following criteria must be met to qualify for a refund:
- Customer’s account must be in good standing
If the conditions listed above are not met, we reserve the right not to issue a refund.
Extended Refund Requirements
For a customer to qualify for a refund, they must meet the following criteria:
- Must request the refund in the 30 days time frame allowed
- Must have used the program consistently, by following the different phases and exercises provided. The customer must also provide proof of usage by providing videos, a Word document following their progress, or the spreadsheet for Progress provided in the program.
After adhering to the requirements above and not achieving a result with the program content, the customer will be refunded the amount paid for the program.
Non Acceptable Refund Applications
The following will not be accepted when requesting a refund:
- Not using or not starting the program due to personal issues, medical conditions, and other circumstances.
- Requesting a refund outside the 30-day time frame
All programs come with lifetime access. If a customer is not able to use the content straight away after buying, they can do so at any time they can. We do not authorize refunds for customers who have not started the program in the first place or are unable to provide proof that they have used the program. Check our REFUND REQUIREMENTS to learn what form of proof is accepted.
- "I know everything", "I have already covered this material" and any other equivalent reasons, can not be accepted, due to them not providing any specific reasons or feedback, as to why the course material is unsuitable.
- " I don't know how to use the platform", or any other equivalent statements will not be accepted, as they have nothing to do with the course material. Please, get in touch with, or take advantage of the complimentary Zoom consultation.
- "I never received my login", or any other equivalent statements will not be accepted. Our system is automated and will only not display your courses if you have registered with an e-mail, that is different from the one that you purchased with.
Contacting us
If you have any questions, concerns, or complaints regarding this refund policy, we encourage you to contact us using the details below:
This document was last updated on September 12, 2024